Most of us believe that governments around the world are involved in some secrecy regarding UFO's. But how is it possible to prove such claims? It is near impossible, unless more people on the 'inside' come forward and testify. This page is based on secrecy and cover-ups and to the possible evidence that has been building through the years.


(MJ-1) Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter (left), first Director of Central Intelligence (1947-50). In 1960, he acknoledged there was a UFO cover-up. Was this the man who also directed Majestic-12? Many independant statements by senior government and military officials have confirmed the existance of a high-level group to deal with UFOs.

(MJ-2) Dr Vannevar Bush (right), Chairman of the joint Research and Development Board (1945-49). Advisor to the President, and key player in atomic bomb development. A 1950 Canadian government memo by Wilbert Smith, a defense projects engineer, states: 'Flying Saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr Vannevar Bush.'

(MJ-3) James Forrestal (left), first US Secretary of Defense. In 1949, he had a mental breakdown and committed suicide. Replaced by General Walter Bedell Smith. Brigadier General Arthur Exon, a former commander of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, stated in 1991 that, although he had no knowledge of MJ-12, there was a top-secret group - 'The Unholy Thirteen' - set up to control access to classified UFO reports. Could this be the Majestic-12 plus the President?

(MJ-4) Nathan Twining (right), Commander of Air Materiel Command at Wright Field and later, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US's highest military position. Dr Eric Walker, former Chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis, claimed he had attended meetings at Wright-Patterson Air Base concerning recovery of flying saucers. Dr Eric Walker also stated that he had 'known of them (MJ-12 Group) for 40 years.'

(MJ-5) General Hoyt Vandenberg (left), Chief of Military Intelligence during World War II and second Director of Central Intelligence (1946-47). Harry Trumans signature on the MJ-12 memo (found top of page) is almost identical to on an authenticated memo from 1 October 1947. Since no two signatures are ever the same, this is proof, say critics, that the MJ-12 papers are fakes. But would an otherwise careful forger make such an obvious mistake?

(MJ-6) Dr Detlev Bronk (right), Biophysicist. Head of Academy of Science, and Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board of the Atomic Energy Committee. At the time of the Roswell crash, Eisenhower was the Army Chief of Staff. Critics say he would have known about the crash, and would not have needed to read a briefing paper when elected President. This, however, was common practice at the White House.

(MJ-7) Dr Jerome Hunsaker (left), renowned aircraft designer and Chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.

(MJ-8) Rear Admiral Sidney Souers (right), first Director of Central Intelligence (1946). Appointed first Executive Secretary of National Security Councial in 1947. The newest MJ-12 document was posted in 1994 to Don Berliner, a long-time UFO investigator and science writer. The anonymous roll of film contained 23 pages of a 'Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual', dated April 1954. It was a detailed instruction manual entitled: 'Extra-terrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal.'

(MJ-9) Gordon Gray (left), Assistant Secretary of the Army. Became the National Security advisor and Director of CIA's Psychological Strategy Board.

(MJ-10) Dr Donald Menzel (right), Havard professor of astrophysics, and debunker of UFOs. Held a Top Secret Ultra clearance and was adviser to several Presidents.

(MJ-11) Major General Robert Montague (left), head of the Special Weapons Project at the Atomic Energy Commision at Albuquerque, New Mexico.

(MJ-12) Dr Lloyd Berkener (right), Executive Secretary of the Joint Research and Development Board. Also a member of CIA-funded UFO committee in the 1950's.

In the UFO research community, opinion is split. In the pro-Majestic camp are researchers such as nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, who has dedicated over ten years to finding the truth, and his fellow UFOlogists Bill Moore and Jaime Shandera. Their strongest opponents are researchers such as Kevin Randle, Armen Victorian and Philip Klass, all of whom have reason to believe the papers are fakes. To add to the mystery surrounding Majestic-12 (also known as MJ-12, or MAJIC), a number of other packages have been pushed through the mailboxes of researchers over the past few years. The first was a postcard delivered to Bill Moore in 1985. Postmarked New Zealand, it suggested he search newly declassified files at the US National Archives. Moore and Shandera did so, and found a memo confirming the existance of MJ-12, written by Eisenhower's Special Assistant for National Security, Rober Cutler, and addressed to Nathan Twining, the US Air Force Chief of Staff (see details above).

Between 1992 and 1996, another UFO researcher, Tim Cooper, received a number of MJ-12 documents, all of which he quietly shared with Friedman. Several were proved hoaxes but, according to Cooper and Friedman, two single-page documents appear to be genuine. The first is a brief instruction to General Nathan Twining (see above) concerning his activities during a July 1947 trip to New Mexico, the site of the crashed saucer. The second document is a memo to President Truman, dictated by US Secretary of State George C. Marshall to his Executive Secretary, R. H. Humelsine. While there is no direct mention of MJ-12 in the memo, the reference at the top reads: "MAJIC EO 092447 MJ-12".

Because most of the MJ-12 documents are on film, the original paper or ink cannot be analysed. But there are many factual details that can be checked, such as the background of the 12 members of the committee, the dates of meetings, the style and format of similar documents, and the validity of the signatures. Clearly MJ-12 had an all-star cast: as well as Secretary of Defense Forrestal, there were the first three Directors of Central Intelligence, an Air Force General, an Army General, the Secretary of the Army and five of the US's most influential scientists. This was the cream of the US's military, scientific and intelligence communities. If there was ever to be a Top-Secret government group investigating UFOs, this would simply have to be it.

The Investigation continues .......

Bob Lazar - Former Majestic 12 Scientist?

Lazar Interview with George Knapp

Lazar Interview with Goodman

R E L A T E D - T E X T - F I L E S

Inside the Military UFO Underground
Project Galileo: Bob Lazar
Baffled at Bentwaters
The Grand Tour
Luna Anomalies
Philadelphia Experiment

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All Files are very much appreciated.

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